CIMMYT Texcoco, México
March 2 -4, 2020

Phenotyping Methodologies

Mechanisms of Resistance

Breeding for Resistance

Plant–Arthropod Interactions

Student presentations
March 2, 2020
Day 1 | Transportation to CIMMYT HQ
7:40 | 8:00
8:00 | 9:30
Opening | Welcoming day 1
Leonardo Crespo | CIMMYT-Global Wheat Program
9:30 | 9:45
Global perspectives on wheat productivity and its pests
Hans Braun | CIMMYT-Global Wheat Program Director
9:45 | 10:20
Breeding for resistance to maize insect-pests in the tropics: status and prospects
B. M. Prasanna | CIMMYT-Global Maize Program Director
10:20 | 10:55
History of IPRI
Michael Smith | Kansas State Unviersity
10:55 | 11:30
Coffee break & Group photo
11:30 | 12:10 |
Phenotyping Methodologies | How reliable are phenotyping methodologies for insect’s resistance: case of cereals and legumes in North Africa, West and Central Asia
Mustapha El-Bouhssini | ICARDA
12:10 | 12:50
Host plant resistance in grain sorghum to the sugarcane aphid and identifying the mechanisms for resistance
12:50 | 13:20
13:20 | 14:20
High-throughput phenotyping in wheat for biotic stresses
Francelino Rodrigues | CIMMYT-Sustainable Intensification Program
14:20 | 14:50
Breeding for resistance | The road from discovery to commercialization of aphid resistant soybean varieties
Kelley J. Tilmon | Oklahoma State University
14:50 | 15:30
The potential of wild soybean as a source of resistance to the soybean aphid in cultivated soybean
15:30 | 16:00
Identification and characterization of Hessian fly resistance genes among a world core collection of Aegilops tauschii
Marion Harris | North Dakota State University
16:00 | 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 | 16:45 From wild to cultivated, introgression of resistance towards the bird cherry-oat aphid
Therese Bengtsson | Swedish University of Agricultural Scienes
16:45 | 17:15
Gene editing for biotic stress tolerance in wheat
Kanwarpal Dhugga | CIMMYT-Genetic Resources Program
17:15 | 17:45
Clossing Day 1
Leonardo Crespo | CIMMYT-Global Wheat Program
17:45 | 18:00 Dinner
18:00 | 20:30
Transportation to Hotel
20:30 |
March 3, 2020
Day 2 | Transportation to CIMMYT HQ
7:30 | 7:50
7:50 | 9:20
Plant–Arthropod Interactions | Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding virulence in the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines)
Andy Michel | Ohio State University
9:30 | 10:10
Deciphering the tug of war between cowpea and cowpea aphids
Isgouhi Kaloshian | University of California Riverside
10:10 | 10:40
Resistance in individual plants and in plantations: resistance breeding combined with cultivar mixing does the job for strawberry
Johan A. Stenberg | Swedish University of Agricultural Scienes
10:40 | 11:10
Coffee break
11:10 | 11:25
Guided tour CIMMYT | Visit to CIMMYT’s Museum, Labs & Genbank
11:25 | 12:55
12:55 | 13:55
Priming for enhanced defense in Hordeum vulgare
Torsten Will | Julius Kühn-Institut 13:55 | 14:25
Investigating the effect of the microbiome on methylation in the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis Noxia
Anna-Maria Botha-Oberholster | Stellenbosch University
14:25 | 14:55
Aphid resistant wheat: is it probable or even possible?
Gia Aradottir | Rothamsted Research
14:55 | 15:25
Coffee break
15:25 | 15:40
Poster Session | CIMMYT
15:40 | 16:20
Student presentations | Ingestion of cprr1-8-siRNA reduce virulence in both Diuraphis noxia and Myzus persicae
Hendrik Swiegers | Stellenbosch University
16:20 | 16:50
Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of related Russian wheat aphid biotypes
Pieter Du Preez | Stellenbosch University
16:50 | 17:20
Genome-wide association analysis of russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) resistance in Dn4 derived wheat lines evaluated in South Africa
Lavinia Kisten | Agricultural Research Council, Small Grain,
17:20 | 17:50 Closing Day 2
Leonardo Crespo | CIMMYT-GWP
17:50 | 18:00
18:00 | 20:30
Transportation to Hotel
March 4, 2020
Day 3 | Transportation to CIMMYT HQ
7:00 | 7:20
7:20 | 8:20
Leonardo Crespo | CIMMYT-GWP
8:20 | 8:30
Mechanisms of Resistance | Deciphering mechanism of host-plant resistance in wheat to aphids in north-western plains of India
Poonam Jasrotia | Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research
8:30 | 9:10
Defensive responses of rice cultivars resistant to Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
Wen-Po Chuang | National Taiwan University
9:10 | 9:40
Investigating the ecological and molecular factors underlining the wheat-wheat curl mite-virus pathosystem
Punya Nachappa | Colorado State University
9:40 | 10:10
Molecular mechanism of plant resistance to Hessian fly
10:10 | 10:40
Coffee break
10:40 | 10:55
Aphid virulence to a wheat resistance gene involves downregulation of numerous aphid uncharacterized proteins
Michael Smith | Kansas State Unviersity
10:55 | 11:25
Barley varieties Stoneham and Sydney exhibit mild antibiosis and antixenosis resistance to the wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella (Keifer)
Lina Aguirre-Rojas | Kansas State Unviersity
11:25 | 11:55
Sorghum tolerance to the sugarcane aphid
Joe Louis | University of Nebraska
11:55 | 12:25
12:25 | 13:25 Eco-metabolomics for host plant resistance to thrips
Kirsten Leiss | Wageningen University
13:25 | 13:55
Leaf profile: resistance against whiteflies in watermelon
13:55 | 14:25 |
Business meeting & Closing | Leonardo Crespo & IPRI Steering Committee
14:25 | 15:10

Organizing committee: Dr. Leonardo Crespo-Herrera (CIMMYT), Dr. Suchismita Mondal (CIMMYT), Dr. Michael Smith (KSU), Dr. Lina Aguirre (KSU), Ms. Diana Godinez (CIMMYT), Ms. Maricela Vega (CIMMYT), Ms. Brenda Dorantes (CIMMYT).
Steering committee: Dr. Richard Musser (Western Illinois University), Dr. Alvin Simmons (USDA South Carolina), Dr. Vicki Tolmay (ARC-Small Grain Institute, South Africa), Dr. Herb Eichenseer (Pioneer), and Dr. Mustapha El-Bouhssini (ICARDA).
Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentation. They should be submitted through the online submission tool under the link provided at the Abstract submission buttons.
Deadline for abstract submission is [September 30th, 2019]. When preparing the abstract, please follow the guidelines below:
- Only abstracts in English language will be accepted
- Select a suitable topic for your presentation
- Title: type the abstract title in capital letters
- Author(s)/Institutions: enter the names of the authors and respective institutions where the work was done. Indicate the presenting author by checking the “Presenting Author” box
- Keywords: enter your keywords (max. 5) – press return button after each keyword to enter.
- Each participant can submit two abstracts (one for oral and one for poster presentation)
- Presenting authors have to complete registration latest by October 30th, 2019 and attend the workshop
- Select oral or poster presentation
Indicate the presenting author by checking the “Presenting Author” box
Deadline – October 30th , 2019
**Payments of attendance fee will be handeled by Kansas State University.
**Registration fee (USD$ 600.00) includes transportation from/to Mexico City Airport, from/to Hotel Santa Bertha-CIMMYT and all meals throughout the event. The link above will direct you to a KSU server where you can proceed with the registration. Please, do not forget to provide us with your travel information form ( as soon as you have your travel itinerary
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
Our vision is for a world with healthier and more prosperous people – free from global food crises – and more resilient agri-food systems.

The Venue
For over 50 years, we’ve been using science to make a difference, helping tens of millions of farmers grow more nutritious, resilient and productive maize and wheat cropping systems, using methods that nourish the environment and combat climate change.
Km 45 Carretera México-Veracruz, Col. El Batán, Texcoco, Estado de México,
CP. 56237
You will arrive at Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City. Clearing immigration and customs may take around one hour. To avoid any unnecessary delays, please make your customs declaration form as accurate as possible. Bring an official doctor’s prescription for any non-over-the counter pharmaceutical.
It is essential that you keep your immigration form in a safe place; you will not be able to leave the country without it.
Please check with the corresponding authority of your country if you require a visa to travel to Mexico.
A shuttle service will be provided from airport – CIMMYT or Hotel Santa Berta – airport. For which you need to share your arrival time and departure with the organizing committee. Please provide us with your information in this form ( This information will not be shared with any third parties and only will be used for the transportation services provided by CIMMYT.
A daily shuttle service will be provided from Hotel Santa Berta – CIMMYT – Hotel Santa Berta (March 2 – 4) for the workshop.